Nyc gay pride parade route 2011

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The organization's continued motivation comes from a collective fight for a more just and inclusive society that recognizes equal rights and condemns any form of discrimination based on age, orientation, gender, or race. While the first pride gathering took place in 1997, the first São Paulo Gay Pride that was officially organized by APOGLBT – (Pride Association of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transexuals) transpired in 1999. This makes it hands-down South America's largest Pride, with the Guiness World Records even claiming it as the World's Largest Pride from 2006 to 2016. Dating app, Grindr, has also elected it the best Pride in the world, so really is there any reason not to attend?Įvery year, São Paulo Gay Pride comprises an incredible pride parade which travels down the Avenida Paulista, and usually takes place on the Sunday after the Corpus Christis holiday. São Paulo Gay Pride first started in 1997, with roughly 2,000 participants, but it is now recognized as the biggest Pride Parade in the world, attracting an estimated three to five million participants each year. São Paulo Gay Pride (officially La Parada do Orgulho GLBT de São Paulo) is an annual pride celebration that colors the city streets every year in June.

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